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Combined paired-unpaired GAN training for underwater image enhancement (UIE)

Sonia Cromp, University of Wisconsin-Madison Computer Sciences

See here for the final presentation, here for the proposal and here for the midterm report.


Underwater image enhancement (UIE) is the problem of improving the visual quality of images, from the color to the clarity and sharpness. UIE has a broad range of applications, from archaeological and biological research to sunken ship recovery. However, UIE also faces several challenges. It is difficult to obtain large datasets required to train typical state-of-the-art machine learning models, and a dataset dedicated to one location (such as the Mariana trench) may not generalize well to other locations (such as a shallow lake).

One line of prior work focuses on applying unpaired learning techniques to UIE. In a typical, paired UIE learning regime, one trains a model to translate from an unclear image to a clear image using a dataset consisting of n unclear images and their corresponding n clear images that have been manually enhanced. In unpaired learning, techniques are designed to learn from a dataset of n unclear images and a seperate dataset of m clear images. In this way, the model learns to the distinguishing characteristics of the source/unclear and the target/clear domains without any examples of one scene in both domains.

In the present work, I propose UW PUP GAN (UnderWater / University of Wisconsin) Paired-or-UnPaired Generative Adversarial Network, which fuses paired and unpaired learning techniques. The anticipated use-case is a situation where relatively large quantities of unpaired unclear and clear examples are available, along with a smaller paired dataset. For instance, perhaps a research group has a limited time or budget to manually enhance a small number of unclear images and wishes to aid the learning of this dataset with unpaired images. To my knowledge, this is the first UIE work to combine paired and unpaired learning.

UW PUP GAN is inspired by a combination of the paired and unpaired versions of FUnIE-GAN (Islam et al. 2020), which in turn also draws inspiration from CycleGAN (Zhu et al. 2020). In the procress of this project, I created a PyTorch implementation of FUnIE-GAN that is equivalent to training UW PUP GAN on unpaired data only.


Overview of the paired training regime:

Paired training consists of four components:

Overview of the unpaired training regime:

Unpaired training replaces DPc and DPu with DUPc and DUPu. DUPc takes as input a clear image and learns to distinguish whether the image is drawn from the clear dataset or generated by Gc. DUPu performs an analagous task for unclear images.
Three types of loss functions are involved in the unpaired regime:

Combining paired and unpaired:

The paired and unpaired regimes are combined to create a model with three datasets (one paired, an unpaired clear and unpaired unclear) and six model components. Any given epoch may be specified as conducting either paired or unpaired training.


I experiment with training under a solely paired or unpaired regime, with alternating between epochs and with a paired/unpaired learning scheme that evolves over time. Specifically, for the evolving learning scheme, all epochs start as paired training. Gradually, the probability of unpaired epochs increases until there is a 50% of unpaired learning halfway through the total number of epochs (150) and a 100% chance of unpaired learning at the last epoch. For the i-th epoch out out T epochs total, I draw one sample from a binomial distribution with i/T probability of success.
I also evaluated the paired, alternating and evolving schemes with a paired dataset containing 1000, 5000 or the full 11,000 examples. The employed dataset is EUVP CITE.

The training losses develop as follows:

In the paired regime, I always encountered an issue where the paired clear discriminator DPc hit near-zero loss. I was unsure as how to rectify this issue, but a solution may provide more stable training and better results. The evolutions of the other components’ losses appear relatively typical for adversarial training, where improvements in one component pose challenges for the adversarial component.


(top row is unclear and bottom row is the generated clear image)

CycleGAN, full unpaired dataset

CycleGAN requires approximately two days to train 200 epochs, while FUnIE GAN (and by extension UW PUP GAN) are designed to be lighter-weight and trains 150 epochs in about six hours on an Euler Cluster GPU.

Paired, full dataset

Unpaired, full dataset

1000 paired and full unpaired, alternating scheme

1000 paired and full unpaired, evolving scheme

5000 paired and full unpaired, alternating scheme

5000 paired and full unpaired, evolving scheme

Future work

While there are some metrics for quantitatively assessing image quality in paired learning regimes, none to-date are seemingly designed for the unpaired regime. As such, the development of a metric that works for models trained with paired and/or unpaired data may aid progress in this line of research.

Acknowledgement: Thank you to the Wisconsin Applied Computing Center’s Euler Cluster and its administrator, Colin Vanden Heuvel, for compute resources!


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